Lighting plan and project file

Persoonlijke aanpak voor lichtadvies.

Trust is the basis for a perfect cooperation. That’s why we are in favour of a personal approach and a short communication line. For each client there’s one point of contact for lighting advice, discussing lighting plans, lighting calculations and follow up of the whole project.

1. Vrijblijvend gesprek

1) Noncommittal meeting

To get to know each other and to give you a good proposition, we like to meet you on site or in our showroom. In the showroom we are able to give you a demonstration of all the light possibilities. You will see the products and what light can do for your space

During the conversation we are looking at the existing situation and the future plans. To fit the lighting within the total concept, we are viewing the lighting from different perspectives:


I want a meeting

2. Ontwerp lichtplan en lichtberekening

2) Design lighting plan and lighting calculation

With the briefing of your plans and lighting wishes, the lighting architect gets to work. The lighting architect makes the necessary lighting calculations and draws a lighting plan customised to your project.

The lighting advice is joined in one file. In this file you’ll find:

3. Bespreking en advies van het lichtproject

3) Presentation and advice of the lighting project

Together, we go over the lighting design proposition and we outline every detail. When you come over to the showroom for this presentation, you will receive a demonstration of the proposed light for you space and products. Off course you can also immediately see the suggested fixtures. This way you can make a well-thought lighting decision.


4) Follow up

When you agree with our lighting proposition, the lighting advisor closely follows up the project with the internal project manager.

4. Follow up

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